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'2 Players Of Same Name..'- PBKS Clears Stance On Shashank Singh Auction Mishap

image-lqdzarolPBKS bought Shashank Singh for 20 lakhs [X.com]

Amid a gripping IPL 2024 auction, a blunder from Punjab Kings created utter chaos in the Coca-Cola arena, Dubai. Apparently, during the accelerated round, uncapped players were up for grabs. The Punjab table opened the bid for an Indian uncapped player named Shashank Singh at 20 lakhs. 

As no one contested the bid, the player was sold to Punjab. However, co-owners Preity Zinta and Ness Wadia looked confused and demanded the forfeiture of the bid. Apparently, they thought they had the wrong player and pleaded for a reversal.

However, auctioneer Mallika Sagar refused to entertain PBKS management as she had to abide by the rules.

This massive blunder attracted a meme fest on the internet as fans trolled PBKS's mismanagement. 

PBKS CEO Explains Auction Mishap

As speculations intensified, PBKS had to step in to issue a clarification. In a statement, Punjab Kings CEO Satish Menon said they have the right to Shashank Singh. 

The rumours of a blunder are utterly false. The confusion on the auction table was a result of two players of the same name being in the kit. In fact, the 32-year-old Chattisgarh all-rounder Shashank Singh was always on Punjab's target list.

"Two players of similar names on the IPL list created confusion. I am delighted to share that the right Shashank Singh has been onboarded. He has put out some noteworthy performances, and we're ready to unleash his talent," PBKS CEO Satish Singh stated.

The CEO concluded the statement, saying they are delighted to have the all-rounder on board and cannot wait to see him contribute to the franchise's success.

Meanwhile, the player at the center of the confusion, Shashank Singh, also dropped a comment on the PBKS's clarification post and thanked them for their unwavering faith.

Nonetheless, the entire confusion was unfortunate as it might have caused a bad reflection on PBKS's strategic competency. But to be fair, the mini-auction was extremely tense and gripping, especially during the accelerated round when players were passed on in the blink of an eye.

Hopefully, the PBKS fans and Shashank Singh, the innocent victim of an unfortunate blunder, got the clarity they perhaps desperately needed.