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  • Pakistans Wc Winning Batter Criticizes Indias Preparation Ahead Of The Wtc Final

Pakistan's WC-Winning Batter Criticizes India's Preparation Ahead of the WTC Final

image-lin9rzplAustralia notched up 469/10 in 1st innings vs India (AP Photo)

Former Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Ramiz Raja criticized the Indian team management for their inadequate preparation leading up to the World Test Championship (WTC) final against Australia. Raja emphasized the importance of acclimatizing to the cold conditions in the region, suggesting that the Indian team should have played inter-squad matches or one-day matches to adapt to the English conditions before such a significant clash.

During a discussion on his official YouTube channel, Raja expressed his disappointment with the Indian team's preparation and highlighted the need for subcontinent players to adapt to the challenging English conditions. 

"One-off Tests are difficult to assess what you have to do. A team comes from sub-continent conditions to these cold climates and has to adjust in 5-6 days. That too, without even playing a game. I don't understand," Ramiz Raja said on his official YouTube channel.

"This is the WTC Final, India should have at least had inter-squad matches before this. Even if you had played 3-4 one-day matches, you get acclimatized to the conditions."

Raja pointed out the differences in pitch conditions and the importance of adjusting bowling lines and lengths in the English conditions. He also highlighted the physical toll of bowling longer spells in Test matches compared to the shorter spells in the IPL, emphasizing the need for proper rest and recovery.

"It's overcast, the pitch conditions are quite different. You want to have an adjustment. Bowlers also need to adjust their lines and lengths here. After four overs in IPL, you have to bowl 17 here in a day. The body needs rest," he added further.

Ramiz's comments reflected his belief that the Indian team should have taken more proactive steps to prepare for the WTC Final, considering the challenging conditions and the significance of the match.