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'B******t! They Lost The Test Match': Haddin Lambasts Stokes For Declaration Claims

image-lj5fhyygBen Stokes stood by his decision to declare in the first innings (England Cricket Twitter)

Former Australian wicketkeeper Brad Haddin believes that England squandered several opportunities to secure a win in the thrilling first Ashes 2023 Test held at Edgbaston. While England captain Ben Stokes stood by his decision to declare on Day 1 highlighting their intent to entertain, Haddin opined that deep down, the hosts must be rueful over their failure to capitalize on numerous chances and register a win over the Aussies.

Brad Haddin's no-nonsense take on Ben Stokes' declaration claim

Dismissing Stokes' remarks as disingenuous, Haddin contended that England's defeat in the Test match undoubtedly stings. He commended Stuart Broad for his wholehearted efforts, acknowledging that England had let slip numerous crucial moments that could have altered the game's outcome. The former wicketkeeper emphasized the need for the English team to regroup and find a way forward.

"Ben Stokes said all the right things that they're here to entertain and we had many people with bums on the corner of their seats enjoying it. B******t! They lost the Test match, mate that hurts. Stuart Broad gave everything he possibly could. They missed a lot of chances in this Test match that could have changed the result of the game. They need to find a way to regroup," said Haddin on cricket podcast 'Willow Talk'.

Haddin further questioned Stokes' belief in the declaration, highlighting that Australia, viewing the match from their perspective, would be content with their performance. 

The former stumper reckoned that despite losing the toss on what could be considered one of the most docile wickets ever witnessed, the Australians managed to restrict England to a score below 400. He went on to hint at the possibility of a debate arising regarding their ‘Bazball’ approach.

"He (Stokes) has to believe that (declaration was right) because that's the way they have played their game. But if you look at it from an Australian point of view, they lost the toss on what is probably one of the most placid wickets ever in the UK and got England out under 400, they are happy. So this style of play may also open a debate whether that decision was right," added the Australian veteran.

Meanwhile, the sensational two-wicket victory by Australia in the first Ashes 2023 Test has ignited discussions and introspection within the English camp. It remains to be seen how England will respond and adapt in their quest to regain the upper hand in the rest of the series.